Every Wednesday, we present an article on a climate and/or environmental topic on our website, but also on our Facebook page.
We hope you enjoy reading and discovering!

Always a great event, during which residents come together to rid the Commune of the waste left in nature by human hands. Mark Saturday, 29 March 2025 in your calendar now, as this is when the ''Grouss Botz'', organised by our nature team will take place. After the event, we invite the participants to a delicious lunch!
Think about installing a charging station at your home and receive up to €1,200 for a smart charging station in a detached house and up to €1,650 in a condominium.
In addition, the commune pays a subsidy of 50% of the state grant.
More info: bornes.klima-agence.lu

Take part in Luxembourg's largest ornithological campaign! The aim of the annual census is to estimate the populations of the most common species, which will make it possible to establish population trends over the years.
- on 24, 25 and 26 January 2025
- observe and count the different birds in your garden or on your balcony for an hour of your choosing
- identify the different species using the photos
- make a note of the different species and their respective numbers. The same bird should only be counted once.
- record only the highest number of each species observed at the same time.
Example: You observe 2 sparrows and 10 minutes later you observe 3. You therefore record 3, not 5.
Further information : www.naturemwelt.lu

Correct airing is particularly important in older houses with these temperatures and weather conditions. Learn more about a correct airing and the benefits of it in the EBL's infographic.

Are you planning to hike more in the new year? Then watch out if you're choosing a trail in the Commune of Niederanven during the winter season. Together with the forest ranger's team, the old paths are being dismantled. These paths are being replaced by a complete network of hiking trails that lead to and connect the most beautiful places in the commune. The entire network was developed with the Office Régional du Tourisme Guttland, the Syndicat d'initiative de la commune de Niederanven, the forester rangers, and the Commune staff of Niederanven.

You recently had it in your letterbox, now the resource calendar is also available online. In a brand new design, you can find the individual waste bin emptying dates for the whole year 2025 at a glance with additional information on the bins and the different waste centres!
Do you know the true price of fireworks? The list is long and therefore we would like to remind you once again that it is forbidden to set off fireworks, firecrackers and bangers on the territory of the Commune of Niederanven.
Have a look at the info graphic of the Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg!

Sustainable Christmas holidays? Not that difficult with our tips:
- homemade biscuits also make great gifts in a jar
- try wrapping presents in newspaper
- the advantage of homemade decorations: you can add your own touch and they can still be used next year
- if you love natural decorations, you can use dried flowers
- send your Christmas wishes via E-mail
Have a look at our video on Youtube!
On 4 December, Saint Nicolas distributed a bag of sweets to the children of the Commune. It was important to both the Commune administration and St Nicholas that the products in the bag come from fair trade!
Review of a week filled with many different nature campaigns:
- Wednesday 27.11: Planting action in the forest of JP.Morgan together with the local forest ranger
- Thursday 28.11: Distribution of berry bushes to the residents
- Friday 29.11: Planting of hedges and shrubs together with pupils and the Maarkollef asbl near the music school
- Saturday 30.11: Installation of nesting boxes around the Scout's home in Senningerberg by members of the nature team
On 23 November 2024, 12 fruit trees were planted for the 24 children born in 2023. The plum and mirabelle trees are old, regional varieties that are perfectly adapted to the local conditions. The trees were planted on a potentially very valuable plot of land very close to the nature reserve ''Aarnescht''.
Afterwards, the participants were able to fortify themselves at the barbecue and enjoy a slice or two of cake or tart. The local forester and his team were responsible for the catering. They were also the ones who made a cutting board for each child from local wood with their name engraved on it. The children were able to take these boards home with them as a memento of this wonderful day.
The event was organised jointly by the Commune's nature team, SIAS and ANF.
Find more pictures in our media library!
Planting 100 trees a year in the commune - that is the target set by the Board of Aldermen. We have achieved this target for 2024, as our gardening services department has continued to plant trees in the commune in recent weeks diligently. This target should of course be realised in the coming years too. So if you can think of any places in our commune where trees could be added, please let us know!

The aim of the project ''Boost lokal - Lëtzebuerg'' is to promote local trade. In collaboration with CELL, a new group is being set up in the Centre-East region.If you would like to contribute your ideas to this group, come along to the launch event on 21 November at the Ôpen in Junglinster.

With autumn, the days are getting wetter again. But these are also the best days to collect rainwater and use it cleverly. The Ëmweltberodung Luxembourg's infographic explains the various solutions for collecting rainwater at home and reusing it. Have a look at our PDF with the infographic in different languages.

Today we want to draw attention to the pollution caused by cigarette butts. Would you have thought that there are more than 100 million butts on the ground in Luxembourg? Do it right, throw your cigarette in the ashtray!
Source: campaign on Facebook by the Administration de la gestion de l'eau from 11 October 2024
Before their water tour, our NaturTeam launched an anonymous survey to better determine the drinking water consumption of the residents in our commune. Take a look at the results!

Do you want to insulate your home, get rid of your old oil-fired boiler or produce your own electricity? Are you thinking of buying an electric vehicle or installing a home charging point?
- Visit aides.klima-agence.lu to simulate the amount of support you could receive.
- Get a full assessment of subsidies: from the state, local authorities and energy suppliers
- This simulator provides you with solid information to start discussions with your tradesman.
Free, independent advice: klima-agence.lu • 8002 11 90

The nature team, in collaboration with the Commune Administration of Niederanven, invites you to an interesting tour around drinking water.
On Saturday, the 12th of October 2024 from 9 AM to 2 PM. The departure will be in front of the Centre de Loisirs ''Am Sand'' in order to take the bus.
On the programme:
- Visit to the ''Waasserwee'' springs near Hostert: with explanations on drinking water from Mr Laurent Kettmann, head of the water works department of the Commune of Niederanven. Where does the water come from? How does it get to the tap? On-site tasting of different types of water by Ms Fabienne Boes, drinking water resource coordinator with the SIAS
- Visit to the water tower at Senningerberg
- Visit to the wastewater treatment plant at Obersyren, with explanations on wastewater treatment from Ms Danièle Mousel, engineer-director of SIDEST
- Meeting at the Commune Building with Stephan Müllenborn, head of the ''Partenariat de cours d'eau Syr'', to detect the cleanliness of the Bouneschbaach using the ''WaterLinx'' application
- around 1 PM: anti-gaspi lunch at the Centre de Loisirs ''Loisi'' and signing session with Martine Konijnenberg, author of the children's book ''Waasser kënnt dach aus dem Krunn, oder net ?''
- after lunch, you can visit the exhibition ''eau circulaire'' from the Administration de la gestion de l'eau at the Centre de Loisirs ''Am Sand'' (open from 12.10. to 21.10.2024).
Registration by Thursday 10 October 2024 at midday via christiane.bour@niederanven.lu!
The ClimateTeam Niederanven is looking for motivated people who live or work in the Commune or are involved in an association. The team is currently a small and productive group, looking for reinforcements to be able to realise their future activities. If you are interested in contributing to the sustainable development of the commune, do not hesitate to contact us:
- by e-mail via kevin.becker@niederanven.lu
- by filling out our form about residents' participation

Mobility week in the Commune of Niederanven - We look back on a great programme: distribution of pastries to the Pedibus children and the residents who take the bus, the Mobility Day last Saturday and our information campaign on social media about the mobility options in the commune!
We are one of 18 communes to be certified Gold in the Climate Pact. Take a look at our great video explaining the various actions we have developed on the way to Gold.

Together with the Commission for Environment, we are again organising some great activities this year as part of European Mobility Week. These include a citizens' workshop on planning a communal ring bus route, as well as our traditional Mobility Day.
For more information, have a look at our flyer on the European Mobility Week!

Have you ever seen a yellow ribbon on a tree? You can pick apples, quinces, cherries, pears, plums or even grapes from fruit trees marked with this ribbon. Help yourself and help to prevent masses of fruit from rotting in gardens and public spaces every year! Below you will find the locations and fruit varieties available in our commune.

Did you know? The state not only supports private individuals with the installation of photovoltaic systems, but also companies with the installation of larger systems. For this reason, a tender for large-scale photovoltaic systems is currently running until 31 October 2024, for which the state is providing a maximum budget of 23 million euros.
Find more infos here: guichet.public.lu.

The advantages of auto-consumption
A photovoltaic system produces electricity that you can either consume directly or feed into the grid in return for a fee. Using your own electricity to run electrical appliances, a heat pump or charge an electric car can make economic sense, especially if your supplier's electricity price is higher than the income generated by selling your solar-generated electricity back into the grid.
What's more, adding storage batteries can give you added value for auto-consumption: it allows you to use surplus solar electricity at night. However, given the resources consumed in producing the battery and the considerable cost involved, we recommend sizing the battery carefully.
Collective auto-consumption is another interesting option. It allows you to share the electricity produced with your neighbours, thereby improving the profitability of your solar installation.
More information on auto-consumption: klima-agence.lu/pv
Self-service tools of the Klima-Agence
To assess the feasibility and profitability of your project, we recommend using the national solar cadastre available at energie.geoportail.lu. This tool identifies the locations best exposed to solar radiation and offers a self-consumption function, enabling users to estimate their consumption and determine the optimum investment.
To simulate the amount of state, communal and energy supplier support available in just a few clicks, go to aides.klima-agence.lu.
Free and independant advice of the klima-agence.lu • 8002 11 90

With the growing challenges of climate change, responsible use of water resources is becoming indispensable. In the latest infographic from the EBL, you can find out in four languages how you can use rainwater cleverly.

Spotted them yet? At all our streams you will currently find signposts giving you the name, course, length and further information. This campaign was developed by the ''Flusspartnerschaft Syr'' with its member communes on the initiative of our commission for environment.
Did you know that there are more than 300 species of wasps in Luxembourg and that only 2 species represent a potential conflict for us humans? Wasps are useful animals and play a fundamental role in the balance of nature. How do you recognise a wasp, how should you protect them and what is the best way to live with them? You can read all about this in the detailed wasp guide from the Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg.

Are you taking part in the "Vëlosummer" this year? Between the 27th of July and the 25th of August, you have the opportunity to discover our little country by bike on 14 different routes. One of them is the Sir-Uelzechtdall-Tour, which also passes through our commune. Try it out!

Did you know that your collected raw materials are turned into high-quality compost and renewable, climate-friendly energy at Minett-Kompost? However, this is only possible if you throw your organic waste into your organic waste bin and avoid plastic materials. Information and tips on how to separate organic waste correctly can be found in your letterbox this week and here below!

Based on the analyses of our activities in 2022 and 2023, we renewed our certificate as a Fairtrade commune for the years 2024 and 2025 on Monday, 8 July. We are proud to be a Fairtrade commune and to support our efforts to promote fair trade and bring it closer to our residents!

On Friday the 28th of June, we had the great honour of hosting the second national NaturePact Day in Niederanven. We started in the morning with 4 thematic visits, during which we visited actions for the protection of biodiversity in urban areas on the one hand and the Aarnescht and Mensder Brill nature reserves on the other.
In the afternoon, after a brief exchange of best-practice actions, the certificates for 2024 were distributed. We also received the bronze certification from Minister Serge Wilmes with over 50% and have thus achieved an improvement of over 10% in one year.
Copyright pictures: Klima-Agence
What a great achievement!
We have received the data on residual waste from SIDOR and the statistics clearly show a continuous decrease in the amount of waste that ends up in the grey bin per inhabitant per year. Let's continue together to separate our waste properly!

Always a great opportunity to put your manual skills to the test and give broken items a new life. During last Saturday's Repair Café, 19 of 34 items were repaired and 7 partially fixed.

On Friday, 7 June, we received our certificate as a commune as part of the ClimatePact 2.0. We have implemented over 80% of the measures and are now one of 17 communes with gold certification. In addition to this, we have also received a thematic certification in the circular economy. This makes us only the second commune to receive this combination of gold certifications in the circular economy certification. A big thank you to everyone involved!
© Pictures: Klima-Agence

As one of four communes in total, we have the big honour of participating with a Luxembourgish delegation in the ''Woche der Umwelt'', which is taking place this week in the gardens of Bellevue Palace in Berlin. An interesting specialised programme, constructive discussions and a large exhibition with around 190 exhibitors from the fields of business, technology, research and science await us here.

Have you noticed that there are 2 dog parks in our Commune? If not, then today is the perfect day to discover them with your faithful companion:
- Parc de l'Europe, Oberanven
- Gomscheed II, Senningerberg

At last it's that time again! On Saturday, the 15th of June 2024, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., the Repair Café will take place in our Commune again. If you have items that need to be repaired, or you like to repair items yourself, then come along!

The Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity (MECB), in collaboration with its partners, is organising the Pollinator Action Weeks in Luxembourg for the third. This event is part of the national action plan for pollinating insects published by the government at the end of 2021, and is an excellent opportunity to discover the fascinating world of pollinating insects during excursions and workshops, and to learn how to protect and promote them.
This year's B&B Action Weeks for our pollinators run from the 17th of May to the 9th June 2024. You can find the programme here: www.bbweeks.lu
As a certified Fairtrade commune, we are again taking part in the Fairtrade Weeks this year!
You can visit the exhibition in the commune building until the 15th of May and, of course, help yourself to the juice and chocolate that we have provided for you.
In addition, our Commission for Environment had an information stand during the last edition of the market in Niederanven and will also have a stand at the Hueschterter Kiermes from the 9th to the 12th of May.
Join the 2nd regional Climate and Biodiversity Day, organised by SIAS on 12 May 2024 at the Munsbach Resource Centre. Experience workshops, an interactive children's performance, stands and live presentations on climate and biodiversity protection, energy, resources, agriculture and nature conservation. Discover new ways to make a big difference with small steps. Everyone is welcome!
- food and drinks all day
- come environmentally friendly - on foot, by bike, train or bus (shuttle bus from Munsbach railway station)

What a great campaign!
On Thursday, the 18th of April, a team from J.P. Morgan took their team day out into nature and organised their own 'Grouss Botz' campaign. Our energy, environment and sustainable development manager helped the team to set up this campaign, defined a trail and provided them with the necessary material to pick up the dirt.
Are you a company in the commune of Niederanven and do you also want to help the environment in the commune? Then contact us and let us organise your personal ecological campaign together with your team.

At a time when the focus is on sustainable solutions, heat pumps are taking on even greater importance. This proven technology not only offers an efficient way of heating buildings but is also proving to be a promising alternative for minimising environmental impact.
Heat pumps use the thermal energy available in the environment, whether in the air or the ground, to produce heat. To measure this efficiency, we refer to the COP (coefficient of performance), which expresses the ratio between the thermal energy produced (kWh) and the electricity required (kWh). Heat pumps offer a considerable advantage compared to fossil heating systemsthanks to their energy efficiency.
Myths about heat pumps
There are still many myths about heat pumps, such as "heat pumps cannot be used in older buildings". But heat pumps are an option in older buildings, even if you use existing radiators. The only difference is that their efficiency is slightly lower than in new buildings with underfloor heating.
If you are considering installing a heat pump in your home, Klima-Agence has compiled a checklist to give you an overview of the installation process. In this list, compiled by our experts, you will find the elements you need to pay attention to when installing and using such a system: the possibilities for adjusting your installation, the authorisations required, the checks to be carried out, and the different types of heat pump. The document also includes a short glossary explaining the technical terms you are likely to come across. You can also take advantage of Klima-Agence's advice if you have further questions.
Find the checklist here: bit.ly/3J9bLjE
Free, independent advice klima-agence.lu - 8002 11 90
Springtime is garden time! To mark the current season, the Ëmweltberodung Lëtzebuerg gives us a few ideas on how we can improve the quality of life in our gardens for flora and fauna, as well as for ourselves.

Would you like to learn how to create a perennial bed yourself? To mark the start of the gardening season, the SIAS Biological Station is organising the workshop "How do I create a natural perennial bed?" on 13 April. Together with Tom Dall'Armellina from the SIAS Biological Station, participants will create a perennial bed. They will learn all about the different types of perennials, planting, the ideal location and how to care for a perennial bed. Of course, we will also look at how biodiversity, especially butterflies, bumblebees and bees, benefit from such perennials.
13 April from 9:00 to 12:00 in Schuttrange
Please register at t.dallarmellina@sias.lu or 34 94 10 32.

During the weekend of the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of March, around 40 people were active in the 7 villages to collect dirt. In April weather with sun, hail and even snow, the residents worked in small groups through the various villages under the guidance of members of the Commission for Environment and the NatureTeam. A total of around 75 kg of dirt must have been collected!
Do you know about it yet? Natur&ëmwelt has named the common tern bird of the year!
Find more infos on the web site www.naturemwelt.lu.

With the start of spring, spring cleaning is due again in the commune. Join our Commission for Environment and the NatureTeam and take part in the campaign "Grouss Botz" on Saturday, the 23rd of March. You can register via our online form or via christiane.bour@niederanven.lu.

Are you already familiar with the SIAS online agenda "Naturaktivitéiten an eiser Regioun"? If you would like to spend more time in nature alone or as a family with your children, then take a look at the agenda and discover many great nature activities together with the SIAS partners.

Hiking friends take note! Just before the start of spring, the Auto-Pédestre hiking trail in our commune was completely dismantled and reinstalled. The hiking trail now starts at the new water tower in Senningerberg and will henceforth be known as AP Senningerberg. You can recognise the Auto-Pédestre hiking trails by the new white signs with the blue rhombus.
Find more infos on the web site of Visit Guttland.

Broken? In the bin with it! Time and again, we find ourselves throwing away all kinds of items far too quickly when they could perhaps still be repaired. With the series ''fixit! Flécken. Léinen. Notzen'', which was created as part of the ''Rethink'' project, the Mouvement Ecologique regularly provides us with tips and information on sustainable consumption.
Take a look at their website www.meco.lu!

Are you familiar with "contractual nature conservation"? This is a proven method used by SIAS in cooperation with farmers to guarantee nature conservation and biodiversity in the countryside. You will receive information on this from SIAS this week:
A proven method of nature conservation is the contractual nature conservation through biodiversity contracts :
- Those contracts are being made with the exploitants of greenland or arable land who are willing to take part in nature conservation measures over a span of five years
- As a compensation for potential financial losses that can come with a more extensive land exploitation, the farmers receive an adjustment payment
- In 2024, there are 998 active biodiversity contracts with 143 farmers and winegrowers that have been contracted during the last five years. In 2024 alone, 324 new contracts have been made, which shows the willingness of the farmers to take part in such actions to save our nature
- Because of those contracts, 1571 ha of greenland are under contractual nature conservation, 126 ha of fallow land are being sown with perennial flowers, 400 cubic meters dry stone walls are being restored and over 650 cubic meters of hedges made of deadwood are installed
- All in all, the farmers of the SIAS region receive nearly 2 million euros per year in compensation money for the valuable work they do

As part of World Wetlands Day, there will be a great guided tour of the 'Schlammwiss - Brill' nature reserve on Saturday the 10th of February at 9am. Join them and discover this valuable habitat for animals, insects and birds!
More infos via www.naturemwelt.lu.

On Monday the 29th of January 2024, in the presence of the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, Mr Serge Wilmes, and the Minister for the Economy, SME, Energy and Tourism, Mr Lex Delles, the Boards of Aldermen of the communes of Niederanven and Schuttrange invited business companies from both communes to a reception for the first time. Around 120 people, including businesswomen and -men from 56 different companies, found their way to the Centre de Loisirs "Loisi" to forge new contacts and exchange ideas. The focus was on the presentation of the Klima-Agence on measures for the energy transition for companies, before the evening was rounded off with an interesting networking session among the business people, the members of the Boards of Aldermen and Communal Councils of Niederanven and Schuttrange and the ministers.