What is the ClimatePact?
Since signing of the Climate Pact 1.0 in 2013, the Commune of Niederanven has committed itself to the fight against climate change. In order to further develop this commitment, the Commune joined the national Climate Pact 2.0. on 21 April 2021, thus extending the cooperation between the Commune and the government of Luxembourg for a further 10 years (2021-2030).
With this extension, the Commune confirmed its previous objective in the areas of sustainable protection of natural resources, especially in the areas of energy and raw materials, soil, water, air, climate, biodiversity, nature and cultural landscape, as well as of achieving and, if possible, exceeding the targets set out in Luxembourg's integrated national energy and climate plan for the period 2021 to 2030 ("PNEC").
In return, the government supports the communes financially and technically in the implementation of these objectives. Thus, the Climate Pact 2.0 enables the government to support the commune’s climate policy efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption. This, however, in harmony with the stimulation of the labour market, investments and economic activity.
In order to ensure the success of the local climate strategy, the planning and implementation of practical measures is required.
To begin with, the Commune should set itself - in writing - objectives for its future climate policy initiatives. These should be aligned with the national climate protection targets and to the extent possible should also cover all climate-relevant topics. In order to ensure this, initiatives by the Commune are primarily modelled after the procedure for the use of EEA (European Energy Awards) outlined in the Climate Pact.
This provides for, among other things, the creation of a "commune climate protection statement of objectives" at the beginning of any climate-related initiative, which defines its quantitative and qualitative objectives. This statement should be based on the EEA catalogue of measures, which contains a total of 74 criteria in the six subject areas of "Urban and Spatial Planning", "Commune Buildings and Facilities", "Supply and Disposal", "Mobility", "Internal Organisation" and "Communication and Cooperation". In accordance with the EEA catalogue, the initiatives undertaken so far by the communes involved have been reviewed and evaluated in an audit. Future initiatives should also refer to this catalogue of criteria.
The Commune of Niederanven is gold certified since the audit of the 12th of May 2023 and has achieved 80,2% of the maximum score. Furthermore, the Commune was also awarded the thematic certification "Circular Economy".
The current climate team is composed of the following people:
- 1 member of the commune council: Josselijn de Vries
- 9 interested residents: Pitt Beicht, Chiara Casoni, Guy Clausse, Christa Karis, Christophe Loeillet, Paul Polfer, Michel Schaus, Guy Uhres & Christian Wagner
- 1 commercial representative: Christian Kaempff
- 1 commune officer: Kevin Becker
- 1 consultant: Yves Moecher, who animates the climate team
Below are some of the activities that the commune has implemented in 2023 as part of the ClimatePact :
- ClimatePact Gold and Circular Economy certification
- completion and adoption of the climate adaptation and digitalisation concept and the climate action plan
- increase in the communal subsidy for installations for the rational use of energy from 30% to 50%
- planning the refurbishment of the Stade Jos Becker (PAC, PV, rainwater utilisation, heat recovery in showers...)
- expansion of the Senningerberg indoor tennis centre (with PV, local heating network via wood chips, rainwater utilisation)
- analysis and communication of the results of the 2022-2023 energy-saving campaign
- completion and inauguration of the combined heat and power cogeneration station ''Am Sand'' (pellet heating network, wood panelling, green roof)
- organisation - Enercoop Syrdall information meeting on the CIPA Niederanven PV project
- introduction of a door-to-door collection of green waste on request
- inauguration of the commune's first Guttland.Trail, the Guttland.Trail Aarnescht
- introduction of 3 FLEX carsharing stations
- ordering of a neighbourhood renovation concept
- circular Economy education programme in the school via the Musée du Déchet
In 2022, the commune of Niederanven has launched and implemented more than 70 activities in the spirit of the Climate Pact.
These activities include, for example:
- Launch of the "Ruffbus Syrdall" together with the commune of Schuttrange
- Introduction of the environmentally friendly charter for associations
- Production of a brochure with the ecological subsidies
- Organisation of the 1st Repair Café on the 18th of June 2022 in the centre polyvalent "A Schommesch" with 18 repairs.
Actions to promote tap water:
- Distribution of free drinking bottles to school children and staff,
- Installation of 10 water dispensers in municipal buildings
- Workshops on the mission statement of the Climate Pact, the climate adaptation concept and the mobility concept
- Adoption of the resource concept, the energy saving measures and the basic principles for 2030 of the Climate Pact
In 2021, the commune of Niederanven launched and implemented 60 different activities in the context of the Climate Pact.
These activities include, for example:
- New Energy Concept 2020 for the communal energy planning
- Creation of a renovation concept for the majority of the public buildings
- Installation of a photovoltaic system at the Scout's chalet in cooperation with Enercoop Syrdall
- Planning of a “Repair Café” together with SIAS communes
- Expansion of the measure for public transport on the municipal territory (zone 30, Berliner Kissen)
- Extension of the bicycle tracks to Schuttrange, Betzdorf and the complex "Am Sand"
- Installation of 2 Vél'OH! stations and planning of further stations
- Awareness raising activities during the Mobility Week at the Week of the Tree
In 2020, the commune of Niederanven has started or implemented about 60 activities in the spirit of the climate pact.
These activities include, for example:
- The introduction of the new regulations in the cadre of a "zero waste" policy
- Implementation of an energy management system to control energy consumption in the communal's buildings
- Change of various lighting (street lighting, school) to LED
- Installation of water dispensers in the gymnasiums
- Further electrification of the communal's car fleet
- Hiring of an Environment and Energy Officer, and the creation of a Sustainable Development Department
- Planting campaign of 12 pear trees for the newborn of 2019 in the cadre of the Day of the Tree 2020
The following activities have been carried out at communal level for 2019 or in cooperation with the other SIAS communes:
- Recertification audit 50%
- Source protection officer advertised at SIAS level
- The new waste tax regulation was adopted at regional level
- Study for the shared use of the buildings within the new Resource center
- Sustainability makes school' program implemented
- The roof area was made available to the energy cooperative Enercoop Syrdall
- Parking space management concept
- M-Pass was made available to communal employees on very favorable terms
- Continuation of selective improvements in traffic safety (pedestrian crossings, etc.)
New traffic routes:
- Munsbach - Niederanven connection (work should start in 2020)
- Connection PC2 - Townhall
- Pedibus project started
- Purchase of another electric car
2017 :
- New concept of Waste Management (treatment and taxes)
- Enhanced communication using social media
- Subsidies to be adapted according to the new legislation and the LENOZ criteria
- Improved soft mobility with new pedestrian lanes (Rëtsch) and cycling paths (connection between Niederanven and Munsbach)
- Renovation of the local school building “Am Sand”
The climate targets set by the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Energy in the PNEC "Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan" for 2030 include
- Reduction of greenhouse gases by -55% compared to the reference year 2005
- Increase of renewable energy from 11% to 25%.
- Increase in energy efficiency from 40% to 44%.
As a commune, we set our targets in accordance with these regulations and do our best to meet and, in the best case, exceed them.
You can find the full national energy and climate plan here:
In addition to this national plan, we have drawn up additional concepts for development up to 2030: