2025-02-11 23:00:00+00:00
Project on Tour - Practical mobile phone holder

General information
Date & time:
the 12
from 16:00 - 18:15
New sports centre "Am Sand"
- Am Sand L-6999 Oberanven
New sports centre "Am Sand"
- Am Sand L-6999 Oberanven
The Youth centre is on tour again in the Commune. On Wednesday 12 February, you can easily design your own practical mobile phone holder according to your own ideas in the entrance area of the sports hall. Do you do sport in the sports hall, have to wait to be picked up or are simply there far too early before training? Then come and join in!
The youth centre has everything you need. And best of all, it's for free! There are also a few parlour games if that appeals to you more!
Registration is not necessary, but to be sure, you can register via this link: