Atelier citoyen

Centre polyvalent A Schommesch
- 18, rue d'Ernster L-6977 Oberanven
We cordially invite you to participate in the next stage of the "GEMENGEPAKT". A survey conducted in September among all workers and residents of the commune of Niederanven allowed us to establish an initial assessment. It is now time to collaboratively and creatively develop clear objectives as well as concrete actions to promote community living in our commune.
To this end, you are cordially invited to participate in our workshop on the theme:
''Promoting social participation in the commune''
Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 6.30 to 8.30 PM
at the Centre Polyvalent ''A Schommesch''
18, rue d’Ernster, L-6977 Oberanven
We would be grateful if you would consider this invitation and share it with other interested parties.
The goal of this thematic workshop is mainly to exchange experiences, ideas, and viewpoints in order to identify concrete actions that can contribute to better community living.
An agape will be offered by the commune.
Please register by email at
no later than October 20, 2024.